
PREMIO FCCV21 – Miglior cortometraggio – TROPICANA (regista Francesco Romano)



Maicol è un bambino di 8 anni, vive in una delle case dei lotti popolari del Trullo (Roma) con il padre Valerio e la madre Giusy, entrambi molto giovani. Ha con il padre un rapporto di grande complicità.

Maicol is 8 years old. He lives with his father Valerio and his mother Giusy in Trullo, a popular district in the periphery of Rome. Both his parents are very young and he has a great complicity with his father.

Regia di / directed

by Francesco Romano


Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

fb. tw. ig.