programmazione 2019

Sinossi: “Mi hanno rubato la felicità e mia infanzia”. La giornata di una sposa bambina, in Asia ma anche in qualsiasi altro paese “They have stolen my happiness at the time they couldn't see my girlish life”. A whole day of her

Sinossi:   Lili, a six years old girl, has just lost her pianist mother. One morning, Lili finds her mother’s piano in the family barn. Then, she starts learning the instrument with her father, who recovers his wife through his daughter Lili,

Sinossi:   Giorgio, mediocre giornalista di provincia, interpretato dalla star di “Gomorra” Salvatore Esposito, si salva dal licenziamento indagando sul rapimento della nipote di una importante imprenditrice locale e scatenando una caccia al mostro. Giorgio, a mediocre provincial journalist, played by the

Sinossi:   Aleksi is approaching her 30s but still stuck under her parents' roof. While ignoring her pressing responsibilities, she follows her impulses with various men. Aleksi è alla soglia dei suoi 30 anni, ma vive ancora con i suoi genitori. Lei

Sinossi:  A dinner between five friends playing at revealing all their dirty little secrets. One of them starts playing with her friends’ lives. Una cena riunisce cinque amiche su un tema apparentemente innocuo: rivelare piccoli terribili segreti. Ma una di loro ha

Sinossi:  We are in Italy at the beginning of the last century on a night in which there is a women-only strike for the improvement of working conditions in the Film Exploit Development Plant, LOMA. The young Nina, daughter of

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased.

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